講 題:基於內容的音頻音樂檢索(Content-based Audio Music Retrieval)
With the advancements of the Internet and multimedia technologies, digital music has been gaining in popularity over the past few years.
Music information retrieval (MIR) techniques that can help users find the desirable music from the huge amount of music collection are highly desirable and have become important research tasks.
In this talk, I will introduce several music content processing and recognition techniques, such as automatic music tagging, emotion annotation, cover song identification, melody extraction,
and query by singing/humming, and their applications in MIR.
主 講 人:王新民研究員(資訊科學研究所研究員兼副所長/數位文化中心副召集人)
主 持 人:林富士研究員(本所研究員兼數位文化中心召集人)
日 期:2016 年 7 月 25 日(週一)下午 2:00
地 點:中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究大樓七樓 704 室